Neil Ellis is a friend of mine and was an "Employee" of the Sierra Leone and it' fight to stop the rebels. He was never paid on time and finally left to work elsewhere. This gunship is one mean son-of -a-bith and the rebels have every reason to run from it. Did you know we have more of these gunships in our Military than in Russia now and all the pilots of these I have read about and spoken to just love the plane. It is deoendable and hard to blow out of the sky and a is a real ass kicker. I knew on Russian pilot back in 1999 there that was trying to fight witha Nigerian jet as the jet had fired a rocket at him. A fine machine in any case.


Neil Ellis and short partial history of him and the Mercenaries.

History of South African Mercenaries in Sierra Leone. Very good history lesson.

Executive Outcomes in Sierra leone.Excellent video of what they did and how they ended up screwed by the international community once they had the done job they were paid to do. Actually they are owed a couple million dollars still but they will never get it.